Surface pro 3 keyboard not working
Surface pro 3 keyboard not working

It's sort of a random bug that comes up from time to time so bookmark this page on your phone so the easy fix is always handy. Note that this is not a permanent fix and your keyboard may stop working again, especially if you remove it and dock the Surface Pro. Your Surface Pro will now boot into Windows as usual. Press ESC to exist and choose YES to quit without saving. Step 5: You should now be in the Surface Pro BIOS screen. Step 4: If your Surface Pro hasn't booted up, press the Power button (and release) to turn it back on. Step 3: While still holding Volume Up, press and hold the Power button for at least 10 seconds.

surface pro 3 keyboard not working

Step 2: Press and keep hold the Volume Up button. If you're having trouble getting your keyboard to work on a Surface Pro 3 / 4 then follow our simple solution that should fix your problems.

surface pro 3 keyboard not working

If touch works on your surface select exit follow any onscreen instructions and restart windows. This has been a problem since the Surface Pro 3 and 4 came out and happens with Windows 8.x as well as Windows 10. Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 Keyboard Not Working. One of those annoying problems is that the type cover and touch cover keyboards that magnetically snap onto the surface don't always work.

surface pro 3 keyboard not working

Microsoft's Surface Pro 3 and Surface Pro 4 computers / tablets are amazing devices but they're actually plagued with a variety of bugs that never seem to get fixed.

Surface pro 3 keyboard not working