Our next target wow
Our next target wow

our next target wow

Meta choices that will be relevant for most people. Note that some checkboxes are ticked by default as they are currently The single target rotation for a Marksmanship Hunter is based on You simply want this buff to beĪctive when casting Aimed Shot or Rapid Fire while dealing with 3 or Multi-Shot on 3 targets or above, your nextĪimed Shot or Rapid Fire will cleave up to 5 additional You always want to spend the charges first, You do not want to waste this buff by castingĪimed Shot when you have it active. Precise Shots is a buff that is activated whenever you castĪimed Shot. To fully unlock the potential of the spec. To play Marksmanship, there are a few basic mechanics you must understand Important Abilities, Procs and The General Rotation of Marksmanship Hunter

Our next target wow